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Experience beyond the ordinary! This is what transcendence literally means and that is what we ensure you get when you partner with us.


Transcendence Learning Solutions LLP erstwhile LEAP Inc is a leading HR consulting corporation specializing in learning solutions, skill development, and organizational development interventions. We render services pan India and globally through our headquarters in Mumbai.

We are a young enthusiastic team with a positive approach and passion for creating a progressive impact. We deliver bespoke solutions that are practical and sustainable. Making a difference in the lives of people with whom we engage forms the cornerstone of everything we do. That is where we bring value.


We live our values of speed, simplicity, and sustainability.  We at Transcendence believe in simplicity, meaningfulness, and relevance. Our corporate training programs are fun-filled, easy to grasp for the learner, and practical to implement to aid real-time, and continuous development. We continue to retain our DNA of LEAPInc philosophy which is based on continuous learning, an ever-evolving attitude, keenness to acquire knowledge & skills which eventually lead to progression.



about transcendence

At Transcendence, we follow a methodical approach for every intervention we undertake. Be it any of our OD interventions or learning solutions, each of them is carefully conceived after thorough research and supported by concrete data. This gives us the confidence to guarantee results.



To be the preferred partner in developing your human capital.

transcendence vision


transcendence mission

To design, develop, and deliver tailor-made training solutions by using a creative and innovative approach to leave an everlasting and ever-evolving footprint.



Our training methodology is based on adult learning principles, such as the ADDIE Model. The training programs are fun-filled, dynamic, experiential, engaging, challenging, and motivating. In short, all the training programs are intense, practical, and invigorating. You may contact us and our representative will get in touch with you for a consultation.

training methodology transcendence


customized training transcendence

We at Transcendence help you develop, design, and deliver customized training solutions to meet your specific learning outcomes. Our team of experts collaborates with you to understand your business and the challenges you face to create solutions that are unique, practical, and simple. We provide pre-training services such as mystery shopping, dipstick, interviewing, shadowing to identify your training needs and incorporate the findings to develop training solutions for you that range from training programs to long-term interventions. You may contact us and our representative will get in touch with you for a consultation.



Our outbound training solutions help you achieve your learning objectives through experiential training that involves activity-based learning. The activities are designed to challenge you individually and motivate you to compete as a team. The activities help you realize your potential by pushing you to the extreme and developing your skills that are important in the current competitive corporate world. We continuously upgrade the activities and offer contemporary solutions to meet the demands of the dynamic corporate environment. You can opt for any of the activities ranging from high adventure to board games that are best suited to your organisational culture. You may contact us and our representative will get in touch with you for a consultation.

outbound training transcendence


coaching transcendence

One of the most important attributes for the success of top Businesses, Leaders, CEOs, and Entrepreneurs is that almost all of them realize they need to be coached. Coaching helps individuals to perform to their highest potential and set higher benchmarks to succeed consistently. We understand coaching as a methodology to bring out the best in you. We adopt various models for coaching that have stood the test of time and are based on extensively researched tools and techniques.  We at Transcendence provide you with Executive Coaching, Life Coaching by internationally certified coaches. Our coaches are certified by internationally recognized and accredited authorities. They come with huge experience in the respective domains and are highly respected within the industry. You may contact us and our representative will get in touch with you for a consultation.



At Transcendence, we specialize in developing content that is in sync with the dynamic requirements. We assist you to develop new content or refreshing your existing content by making it interactive.  We help you develop practical and experiential tools to create more impact and enhance the overall learning experience. You may contact us and our representative will get in touch with you for a consultation.

content development transcendence



E - Learning

In the current scenario where organisations are facing the challenge of getting their employees in a classroom for training, yet they have to impart training. Continuous learning and skill enhancement are in the DNA and a pivotal function of almost every organisation today. We at Transcendence have the in-house capability of creating interactive content using the most effective tools and mechanisms, ensuring the highest degree of quality and efficiency. We support you in designing learning tools that can form an integral part of your existing LMS. We ensure that your employees are able to learn 24 x7, on the move at their pace from anywhere on the globe. You may contact us and our representative will get in touch with you for a consultation.

e learning transcendence


induction transcendence

We at LEAP help you develop your induction programs in a way that they are interactive, experiential yet convey the values of your organisation strongly and with clarity. We offer services for content development and delivery of induction programs. You may contact us and our representative will get in touch with you for a consultation.



We specialize in end-to-end services for creating videos. We offer pre-production to production and post-production services. We also have 2 D and 3 D animation services that are at par with international industry standards. You may contact us and our representative will get in touch with you for a consultation.



corporate videos transcendence
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